Friday, August 8, 2008

A new garden gate to open...

Waiting for the baby to come, impatiently now, but more than willing to explore the garden path that this pregnancy has been. Completely different from the first pregnancy that gave me my now 14-1/2 yr old son, this one has brought new ideas, new thoughts on my own take on parenting, new things to try in childbirth. It has also brought thoughts of the differences 'tween this pregnancy and the first. Morning sickness with both, but with this one (only a day from the due date) still nausea plagues me if I'm not careful. Heartburn, indigestion... more so with this one than the first. My son was much more active than this one has been. It's interesting seeing how different pregnancy can be from one to the other.

Along the way, my husband has expanded the edges of his view of the garden. A birthing center with midwives and doulas, as opposed to the traditional hospital has been the biggest change... seeing that just because women have given birth in hospitals in the recent past doesn't mean it has to be that way always and forever. I love that he was able to open his view, that he could accept a new old way of doing things... that he could come to appreciate the fact that birth can happen in its own time, without the pressure of hospitals trying to hurry things along. If it happens that we wind up at the hospital, that too will be a new portion of the garden, but one that I'm not really looking forward to seeing.

In the meantime, there's last minute stuff to be done. Bag to be packed, snacks to be gathered, cleaning to be finished, and a list of people to be called when the baby does finally decide it's time to join us in the garden. Looks like I should get moving.

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